Computer & Internet Terms

Technology & Innovation in conjunction with College Communications maintains the technology style guide to create consistency and avoid confusion within Davidson College documentation. This style guide is informed by recommendations from the Associated Press Stylebook (AP Style).

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z



Always spell out the acronym on first reference, with the acronym itself in parentheses. On subsequent references, you can use the acronym by itself.

Technology & Innovation (T&I) uses lots of acronyms.

alternate email address

Do not capitalize.

A user’s alternate email address is used to reset her password.


Always hyphenate.

You should run no more than one anti-virus program on your computer.


Banner Self-Service

Always capitalize the entire name of the service and hyphenate “Self-Service”

Log in to Banner Self-Service to print your paystub.


Davidson credentials

Use “Davidson credentials” when referencing username and password in general descriptive terms. Use “Davidson username and password” when used in specific help documentation.

Your Davidson credentials consist of your Davidson username and password.


Always hyphenate.

Select Quasimodo from the drop-down list.


Always hyphenate.

Firefox will open with a double-click.



Always lowercase, even at the start of a sentence

eduroam is the secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community.


Always lowercase, no hyphen. Lowercase the entire address except at the beginning of a sentence; do not italicize email addresses.

Also, hyphenate e-book, e-commerce, e-business.

Your Davidson email account is accessible on campus and from home.


Always lower case.

An e-portfolio is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Such electronic evidence may include inputted text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks.


File sizes: KB, MB, and GB

Units of measurement for file sizes. Capitalize only if the first word of a sentence. Files may also be described in terms of download per second, for example, MB/s, GB/s and KB/s respectively.

  • kilobytes (KB)
  • megabytes (MB)
  • gigabytes (GB)
  • terabytes (TB)

The files available to download are 875 KB, 2 MB, and 1.7 GB respectively.



One word, no hyphen. The G is always capitalized.

Davidson College does not use Gmail as its email solution.

G Suite

No hyphen, the initial letters of each word are always capitalized.

G Suite includes Gmail, Google Calendar, and other Google web applications.



One word, lowercase, never hyphenated.

Your homepage should be saved as index.html.

Help Desk

Please refer to Support Center.



Always lowercase.

Access to the internet at Davidson is incredibly fast.



One word when describing a component of the interface.

Enter your Davidson College username and password at the login window.

log in

Two words when referring to the action of logging in.

You may log in when prompted.

log in to

Three words, used for the act of logging in to a service.

You will be required to log in to Banner Self-Service.


menu bar

Two words, lowercase.

The menu bar is located at the top of the application.


Microsoft Outlook connects to my mobile device seamlessly.

multi-factor login/authentication

Always lowercase, “multi-factor” and hyphenate. Abbreviated as “MFA.”

To use multi-factor authentication on your phone, download the Duo app.

MFA, also known as mutli-factor authentication, provides added security for web applications.



Lowercase, do not hyphenate.



Always hyphenate.

Type your name in the pop-up box.



Always hyphenate.

Hover over the picture and right-click to copy.


single sign-on

Always lowercase, with “sign-on” hyphenated. On first reference, spell out single sign-on with the acronym in parentheses. On second reference, you can use the acronym.

Moodle uses single sign-on (SSO).


Refer to single sign-on.

Support Center (formerly Help Desk)

When referring to the College’s official T&I Support Center (formerly Help Desk), it is uppercase on all references. Always include the contact information starting with the email address and then the full phone number. Davidson College’s Help Desk is now called the T&I Support Center.  Davidson no longer uses help desk when referencing T&I support. 

Contact the T&I Support Center at or (704) 894-2900.


Technology & Innovation

Use the full department name on first reference with T&I in parentheses, T&I on subsequent references.

Technology & Innovation (T&I) is responsible for the College’s plethora of technological offerings.



Acceptable in all references for uniform resource locator, a standard website address. Omit http:// in URLs. Just use, for example when referring to a web address. Exception: Include https:// when necessary to identify a secure site or in the URL field of a hyperlink.



Always lowercase.

The web is where you can access

website address

Refer to URL.


One word, lowercase.

Visit my photo album webpage to see pictures from our trip to San Diego.


One word, lowercase. Also webcam, webcast, webmaster.

Nothing is finer than a website containing kitten pictures.


Uppercase when referring to the T&I service.

Most students check their email using the Webmail interface.


Lowercase when referring to a generic wiki. Title case when referring to a specific wiki.

Our wiki allows us to collaborate more easily.


Two words, hyphenated with the W and F capitalized.

Davidson has several Wi-Fi networks. For computing devices, choose eduroam.