CMS Editors FAQ

If you are unclear about how to do something, or who should do something, familiarize yourself with our most asked-about scenarios.

If… Then…
You need to add or delete a component from a page. Email
You need to update a component. Components that CMS Editors should update are detailed in Module 3: Understanding Components.
You need to upload, delete, or link to a PDF within the website. Email if you need to upload a PDF directly to the site.
You’re wondering how to link to Google Drive documents, Dropbox, forms (like Submittable) or shared documents.

Links to shared documents can be added to the site as external links.

Document owners update their own shared documents and add the appropriate links to the website.

You have a Word DOC that you would like uploaded to the site. Save the DOC as a PDF since Word DOCs are not supported in Drupal. Attach PDFs in your email request to
You need to add or change a photo. Email as we handle all photos for the website. Attach photos in your email and we’ll upload them if they meet the college’s Digital Photography Standards.
You need to make significant changes to your section of the website (multiple new photos, copy, moving/creating/deleting pages). Email We will schedule a meeting to discuss changes and set a timeline for completion.
You’re wondering if you have access to edit a page.

You have access to edit all pages on the website.

If you don’t see an edit button, first, check to make sure you’re logged in.

If you are logged in, but still do not see an edit button, you may be on an event or course page. These are populated by a feed (pulling information automatically from another college system like EMS or the Catalog). Changes need to be made within those systems to be reflected on the website.

You need to remove a webpage. Email with the page link.
You need to create a news story. Follow the directions detailed in Submitting a Departmental News Story.
You need to add/remove a faculty or staff member.

If needing to add a person: Email with the request, copying the new person. All faculty members and some staff will need to complete the New Employee Website Profile Form to provide us with information for new profiles.

To remove a person, email with the person’s name and we will delete them.

You need to update faculty or staff contact information or bio. Follow the instructions listed in Module 8: Editing a Profile Page.
Your page has not been published and it has been 24 hours.

Check that the page is in Submitted for Review status, not Draft. Draft pages do not alert Digital Staff to review.

If page is in Submitted for Review status, email and link to your page to inquire about why it has not been published.

You are asked to make edits to major/minor or honors requirements, course descriptions, or any content that appears in the College Catalog. The catalog is managed by the Rebecca Barrow in the Registrar’s Office. Please email
You need an event to appear on the website and/or on our weekly Davidson Events Digest (distributed to employees and around 1,000 community members).

All events that appear on the site and weekly newsletter are entered through EMS.

  • Reserve the space first through EMS, then create the associated event. If you need help with a reservation, contact Union Reservations at
  • Add the event to the relevant calendar(s). To appear in the website and the Digest, events need to be added to the Public Calendar (and thus be an event that internal and external audiences can attend).
  • Refer to EMS Help Documents for more information and training documentation.