Setting Up Social Accounts

Davidson College’s reach extends far beyond to social media, video, audio, photos and email communication.

Each of these areas is an extension of the Davidson brand and the same brand standards that apply to, print projects and other college communication and marketing materials also apply to these areas.

Departments should be familiar with and adhere to Davidson College’s Social Media Guidelines.

Posting Frequency

The posts, conversations and interactions that happen through social media should reflect positively on the Davidson brand and uphold the college’s mission and values. Departments and programs should post regularly to the social media websites they manage. Consistency is vital. Take the time needed to properly plan for a regular posting schedule: twice a week, three times a week, once daily, etc. Establish that schedule with a content calendar and stick to that plan in order to properly maintain the account. Posting once per month or once or twice a semester does not constitute regular updates. It’s better to manage a few social media accounts on a consistent basis than to manage many accounts with infrequent updates.

For guidelines on posting etiquette, please refer to the college’s Social Media Guidelines.

Social Media Brand Guidelines

The college has adopted the following branding standards for social media websites. These standards are applicable to any Davidson College-branded social media site, including, but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.

Naming Conventions

Departments should use the following naming convention when naming their pages and profiles: “Davidson College Department/Program Name.” For example, Davidson College Music Department. Every effort should be made to start the full name with “Davidson College” wherever possible (character limitations may require some exceptions to this rule).

Page URLS/Usernames

Usernames should incorporate Davidson College or Davidson in the name as well as the department name, e.g., @DavidsonCollegeMusic, @DavidsonMusic. Every effort should be made to start the username with “@Davidson” or “@DavidsonCollege” wherever possible (character limitations may require some exceptions to this rule).

Departments should also make an effort to keep their usernames consistent across platforms wherever possible.

Bio / Profile Data

Most platforms allow for an “About” section where users can list information about a department, including a URL to the department website. The data provided in this section should be complete and should mirror the public data available on the department website.

Profile Image & Icons

College-affiliated social media accounts, such as those for departments or services, may download social icons for use on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

Cover Image

Cover photos should be a Davidson image that represents the department or program, e.g., a campus scene or department-related image. The image should be professional, and high quality.

Departments can request assistance with selecting a cover photo, slideshow or video by sending an email to

a compilation of desktop screens and mobile devices showing different social media platforms

Social Media Accessibility

  • Use plain language: Keep your posts short, simple and to the point. Conversational and familiar.
  • Acronyms: Avoid if possible. If used, spell it out at least once.
  • Hashtags: Capitalize first letters at the beginning of each word. For example, use #ItsAGreatDayToBeAWildcat instead of #itsagreatdaytobeawildcat.
  • Links: Use a link shortener when possible because screen readers will read every character.
  • Emojis: Don’t use in place of a word. If used, put them at the end of the content.
  • Structure: Posts should be written in this order: Main content, link, hashtags, mentions.
  • Alt Text: Include alt text descriptions in your photo and video posts on social media. They should be concise but descriptive when possible.
  • Captions: Your videos should include captions, either in a separate file (.srt) that is uploaded along with the video, or burned into the video itself. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn allow for caption file uploads, while Instagram does not. Video uploads to Instagram will require burned in captions.