YouTube Guidelines

College Communications manages the Davidson College YouTube account. The purpose of our YouTube channel is to host and share videos with the broader campus community and for a national audience. To further the reach of our videos, these videos are occasionally embedded within pages on the, shared on social media and promoted by the relevant department(s). 

The YouTube account is in direct service to our departmental mission to share the Davidson College story and support campus communications that showcase the excellence of the college and its departments, programs, students and faculty.

To accomplish this, we are eager to work with you. Not all videos are best suited to this platform, but some are. We use the following criteria to determine whether a video should be posted to the college YouTube channel. 

  1. Content: Is the video relevant to the college overall? Does it serve our greater mission of showcasing the excellence of the college? Is a public-facing platform the best audience for this content, or are there other, better methods of distribution? 
  2. Quality: Is the video of professional quality, including the audio? Since the video will live on the college YouTube for a national audience to view, it’s important to consider how harmoniously the video fits into college communications content, generally. If you are just getting started, please view our video production tips.
  3. Accessibility: Is the video captioned to meet ADA compliance? Our department works with the company Rev to obtain captions, but you are welcome to do this however best suits your department needs. 

Our past partnerships

We have worked with a variety of departments in the past to produce relevant content. Preview a sample of selections below and visit our YouTube channel for the full array.

📌 Resource

For those who plan to produce their own video for the college YouTube or website, please review this guide for best practices.